Familiar Ties
by Naya Nikki
Book Blurb: Max West is a widower raising Phoebe, his four-year-old daughter. Phoebe has to live with the fact that the day she was born is also the day of her mother's death. As her fifth year without her mother approaches, Phoebe finds solace in her godmother, Amy Riley, and her daughter, Grace Crawford, another single parent family.
Amy Riley is a successful fashion designer who spends most of her days raising her four-year-old daughter, Grace, while her wayward boyfriend is travelling the world making the next best film. As the fifth year without her best friend looms she finds comfort in her ex-boyfriend, Max, and his daughter, Phoebe.
These two “broken” families have a tough week to face as the dreaded day approaches. However through their past, present and debatable future will their choices affect the outcome both parents clearly want and are simply denying? Or will Phoebe and Grace lose the only “whole” family they have ever known?
Available at Amazon Kindle ~ Paperback
Author Interview:
Today I would like to welcome author Naya Nikki to my blog. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?
I was always writing short stories as a kid and English was always my favorite class at school and one day I showed them to a friend and she said ‘why not try to get them published’ so that’s what I did.
How long did it take you to write Familiar Ties?
I think it took me just over a year and a half. I’d written about a third of it before I went back and rewrote the whole thing before continuing the rest of the book in between my final year of schooling.
While writing how many times do you go back and rewrite a plot?
Like I mentioned before I did go back once and do a major re-write but after completing it for the first time I did go back and add scenes that I thought helped to develop the book more.
You run into a bookstore, where do you go first?
Strangely I always go to the Jodi Picoult section, even though I’ve read and I’ve got every single one of her books.
How many books in a month do you tend to read?
I try and read at least 2 a month, but with my university education where I have to read 2 a week, my fun reading has gone out the window. However I just finished my first year at university so I have loads of books to catch up on over the summer.
In all the books you've read. Who is your most favorite character and why?
Jo March from Little Women; first of she writes and second she doesn’t let the fact she is a women get her down.
State 5 random facts about yourself.
-I am a self confessed Gleek.
-I love to dance and I have been taking classes since I was 5.
-I have been to every continent at least once.
-I adore stuffed toys and keep buying them even though I’m nearly 20.
-I read ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo at least once every year.
Your favorite Genre?
Romance and (Auto) Biographies
What are you currently reading?
I am cheating and double reading at the moment. I switch between ‘I’ll Scream Later’ by Marlee Matlin and ‘Lone Wolf’ by Jodi Picoult.
What is the best book you've read?
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Any new projects coming up?
At the moment I am happy to catch up on being a student and hanging out with my friends, but I’ve got a few plot bunnies written down so you will have to keep your eyes peeled.
Here’s your chance to market your book. Describe it. And why readers should pick it up?
It may look like your average romance novel but give it a chance it may just surprise you and to be honest what’s so bad with a good romance book? So pick it up, read it and let me know what you think
Where you can find author Naya Nikki:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nayanikki
Twitter: @nikkinaya
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/NayaNikki
Website: www.nayanikki.co.uk

Can your life change in seven days??? Well, for Max West and Amy Riley, it did.
I thank the author for allowing me to read and review it. It was a short read, and a book I could not put down, so I read it in one afternoon. The book was a heartwarming, romance novel about two people, their lives and how at then end family and friends are all that matters
The book is about Max West and Amy Riley. Two good friends who find themselves raising two lovely little girls. Max is a widower and Amy is a girl attached to the wrong man. The book takes place in seven days as their life begin to take a turn, when Max realizes he can't live without Amy and they both confess the feelings they kept inside for so long, BUT there is one problem- Jack. Amy's boyfriend, who is not ready to let Amy or their daughter Grace go.
You have to read the book to find out how it all turns out! ^-^ *
I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
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